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Showing posts from July 23, 2024

Blacks in Blackface: Willie "Sleep 'n Eat" Best

  Willie Best  1913-1962 Sleep 'n' Eat     Willie Best was one of the first well-known African American film actors and comedians, although his work, like that of Stepin Fetchit, is today sometimes reviled because he was often called upon to play stereotypically lazy, illiterate, and simple-minded characters in films. Of the 124 films he appeared in, he received screen credit in at least 77 of them, an unusual feat for a bit player. Willie Best came to Hollywood as a limo driver for a vacationing couple. He was discovered in a LA stage play by a talent scout and got into films. In addition to being a talented comedian and character actor, Best was also a musician/song writer.  When Stepin Fetchit became very demanding and difficult, studio executives and directors began to use Willie Best as a replacement. Best's easy-going manner and work...